Counseling and Therapy Services in Nashville, TN

Paul Babb- Owner


Paul Babb Cypress Counseling

Session Details:

  • $185 for a 50-minute session (Individual & Couples)

  • Ph. 615.481.8181

Paul Babb, Ed.S., ACS, LPC-MHSP

Paul attended James Madison University and graduated with an MA and Ed.S. degree in Counseling. For 23 years, he has experience working in various roles as a Mobile Crisis Counselor, Mental Health Specialist, and Program Manager in the Davidson County Jail. He has seen first-hand the transformative power of human support and connection, despite being a witness to an insurmountable amount of pain, grief, doubt, and calamity.


Addiction and Recovery, Men’s issues, Depression, Grief counseling, Anxiety & Stress Management, Trauma & PTSD work, Relationship & Boundary issues, Personal Growth, Spirituality Issues and Work/Life Balance.

About Paul

From the beginning of our very existence, we were reaching. We were crying, wondering, yearning, and struggling. At the deepest part of ourselves we are struggling to find meaning and purpose in life.

Instinctively, we sensed an inner calling. We sensed a desire to know more and to live more. But the negative voices of the past clamor for our attention. We can become confused, disheartened, and discouraged. We find ourselves lost. We are set adrift in the despair of this realization:

I am not where I need and want to be.”

Sometimes the biggest question is actually:

“Where do I begin?” 

I understand this story because I’ve followed a similar path in my own journey. For years, I walked around thinking that there was something fundamentally wrong with me and that meant I wasn’t as important, valuable, or lovable as everyone else.

I believed that if I did what I thought other people expected of me then I would be happy and content in my own life. It made sense to me. Because how could there ever be a problem or an issue if I did everything to make everyone else happy? What I didn’t realize at the time is that my depression and anxiety were being fueled by this quest to be perfect in everything that I did. As the inner struggle raged, I developed two strategies to manage my pain: the first was to do more (maybe I wasn’t trying hard enough) and the second was to numb out or distract myself from recognizing that I was feeling. Regardless, both “solutions” left me empty inside and gave me more reason to dislike myself.

After several years of repeated disappointment, embarrassment, and self-exhaustion, I finally set aside the illusion that I could fix everything by myself.

At the darkest and most fractured time in my life, I was blessed to be given the gifts of humility, hope and a desperate willingness to do whatever I had to do to change my life. I found encouragement and support through individual and group therapy, marriage counseling, spiritual direction, and the addictions community. My life today is profoundly greater and more meaningful than I could have ever imagined. It is my own experience that inspires me to help others who find themselves battling similar hardships. 


This is what I carried with me into the work I did for almost 15 years as a mobile crisis counselor, a mental health specialist and a program manager in the Davidson County Jail. In each of my roles, I saw firsthand the transformative power of human support and connection despite being a witness to an insurmountable amount of pain, grief, doubt, and calamity. It has been through a culmination of all my experiences where I have witnessed firsthand the instinctual and internal drive to make sense of the world around us and most importantly, to make sense of the world inside of us. 

I believe that in a lot of ways, you’ve already taken a very significant step forward simply by seeking out the information you have found here. Your willingness to consider other resources and support is a key ingredient in finding a life changing solution to your current struggles, and I would love the opportunity to hear more about your experiences and your hope for the future. 

First-Time Appointment Information

  • Reach out to Paul by Phone or Email

  • Paul Utilizes a Secure Online Portal for Completing Paperwork

  • Appointments Can Be In-Person or Through Telehealth